Tuesday 10 July 2012

Got the bug

After making 6 hats for a local photograper,

I have made 2 more

and 1 in progress.....

Tuesday 3 July 2012

D day

My word what a day. For those of you who don't know, my husband of 15 yrs moved out in Febuary this year (I won't go into details at this point, that's a whole other post). He asked me to start divorce proceedings, presumably as he can't be bothered to do it himself??

Well today my mum took me to see her divorce lawyer (mums messy divorce took 8 or 9 years!!!!). I don't need that much help, but just needed to know how to go about making it as smooth as possible. Well it was an hour and £255 (nice money to earn) spent. I came home and filled out the forms which he has said he will give the once over and then they are off to court. All being well it should be finalised by the end of the year. And as he is moving to Wales (he needed 'space', has 'nothing to stay for' our boys obviously don't count for much in his mind) possibly as early as september, it should be the end of all contact.

I do feel for our boys, but over the last couple of years they have come to see what kind of man he is. I can't see them putting up much fight to see him once he moves.... His loss.

The decision now is weather to change my surname back (he says I stole it and have no rite over it... Lol), H said to me that I should change it back and would he be able to change his!!

And the second decision is if I should have a big divorce party or a meal with the people who have really been there for me?

I will keep you posted on proceedings.


Sunday 1 July 2012

Slouchie hat

Had to share todays make with you.
his slouchie hat.

A local photographer has asked me to make up some sample hats for her to choose from as props for her photo's.


What do you all think?

Willingham Craft Fair

Yesterday we (P&S Crafts) did a craft fair at Willingham.
It was a good way to get out there, meet people and get our products seen.
Here are a few pics,

Next one is a Baby craft fair this wednesday.
Wish us luck.

Yesterday, was the normal stress filled saturday in the Mad house.
The (soon to be ex) husband who left in Feburary will only have one of our sons at a time on saturdays then a week off.
So yesterday was the youngest A's turn. So I dropped him off at his dads, then took P to his fortnightly Autistic club, popped home to then pick up My good friend  Sarah http://funkyfairy-funkyfairy.blogspot.co.uk/ and her daughter to go to a craft fair to sell our wonderful handmade bits. (pics to follow).

But I had a lovely surprise when I popped home, My parcel had arrived from my swap partner all the way from New Zeland, she only posted it a few days ago.
So here are my goodies from Katie http://www.mummy-adventures.com/

I love it all, and am very happy to have made a new friend.

I hope she likes her swaps as much as I like mine.
