Sunday 1 July 2012

Yesterday, was the normal stress filled saturday in the Mad house.
The (soon to be ex) husband who left in Feburary will only have one of our sons at a time on saturdays then a week off.
So yesterday was the youngest A's turn. So I dropped him off at his dads, then took P to his fortnightly Autistic club, popped home to then pick up My good friend  Sarah and her daughter to go to a craft fair to sell our wonderful handmade bits. (pics to follow).

But I had a lovely surprise when I popped home, My parcel had arrived from my swap partner all the way from New Zeland, she only posted it a few days ago.
So here are my goodies from Katie

I love it all, and am very happy to have made a new friend.

I hope she likes her swaps as much as I like mine.


1 comment:

  1. Yay - so glad you like it all and I'm busy stalking the postie for my parcel :-)
